8-week "Back to You" program with Marion Turner 

What if you could step into the person you want to be and have the passion to follow your dreams and fulfil your potential?

Rediscover your passion, purpose, and potential and live your life on purpose, with purpose!


My "Back to You" program is for anyone feeling overwhelmed, burnt out, or lost, providing a personalised plan to help you reconnect with your passions and purpose, to live the life you deserve, without demanding more time or energy than you already have.

See the results my clients are getting ...

L. V.

I was hoping for life-changing tools, yes – I received life changing tools. I am very grateful to you Marion.

Sheryl B.

I'm only 3 weeks into the "Back to You!" program and I can honestly say that I am already feeling more positive that I will be able to make the change in both my physical stateand my mindset to get the Happy Sheryl back ...

Nola B.

I no longer feel the need to “prove myself” to anyone, I am happier! 

Marion Turner

Hi, I'm Marion Turner - Certified Results coach, Meditation Teacher, and former Physiotherapist with over 40 years' experience helping people.

I've always known my purpose is to help people ...

As a Physiotherapist, I helped people recover from injuries and manage pain so they could get back to living their lives fully. As a Meditation Teacher, I guide people towards inner peace and help them reduce stress, anxiety and improve wellbeing, clarity and sleep. As a Results Coach, I empower clients to reach their goals and unlock their potential. Each of these roles enabled me make a positive impact on people's lives, and that's what drives me every day.

After nearly 40 years, physiotherapy took its toll on me - physically (and in some ways emotionally too). The physical deterioration of the joints in my thumbs and wrists led to me making the difficult decision to finally close my practice and stop practicing as a physiotherapist.

Fast forward 3 months (after enjoying a break from continuous working), I was now beginning to feel a little lost - I didn't realise my identity was so tied up in what I did and I didn't feel useful anymore.

Following some down time - which eventually did become "down" time for me, I knew I needed to step back into the space of helping people and I am so happy I have!

My work as a Physiotherapist was taxing at times and I didn't always feel I was helping my clients as much as I could ...

Often my work as a Physiotherapist was emotionally exhausting too as I so wanted to help people but it was difficult trying to continually "rescue" people and have them commit to their programs and make changes. I was also a sounding board for many of their personal problems and having good rapport with my clients made it difficult for me to step away from that space, I wanted to help them as much as I could because I knew these other problems were impacting their physical state and recovery too. If only I had the tools then that I do now to facilitate those changes!

I realised early on that our thoughts created "realities" and "truths" which were not necessarily accurate. Many of my clients were stressed, anxious, found difficulty coping with pain and loss of function. I knew they were looking to me to fix things but I didn't feel I had all the tools to do that.

Over a couple of years I added to my toolkit by becoming an accredited Meditation Teacher and ran meditation courses out of hours. Of course I also took some of my learnings from this space into the clinic and helped clients with that too but time constraints around physiotherapy sessions made it difficult to feel I was doing all I wanted to!

Running a very busy practice, trying to accommodate all my clients (with very painful hands) in addition to the normal demands of life which included being a wife, mother, housekeeper, cook and caring for ageing parents I realised, like so many of my clients, I was actually burnt out too.

I had forgotten who I was, what my passions were and how to engage fully in my life with fun and purpose.

Then I discovered coaching ...

I saw that there was a better way ...

I knew I couldn't make this change without help - I landed with an amazing coaching training company who continue to coach and mentor me to become the best coach I can be!

Results coaching definitely creates the biggest transformation in people's lives because it empowers them to find their own answers and take action to create change. By helping clients identify their goals and develop a plan to achieve them, I support them in taking control of their lives and making meaningful progress. This process of self-discovery and action leads to profound personal growth and lasting change, which is incredibly rewarding to witness.

Becoming a Certified Results Coach (Life Coach, whatever name you want to put to it) has put the missing pieces into the puzzle for me. 

Of course, I have had to work through some difficult blocks and obstacles myself over the years (my book From Grief to Gratitude details much of my journey). Through coaching I've really found how to fast track growth and lasting change in others too!

Coaching completely fulfils me as I still have the personal connection to my clients (which was one of the most rewarding things about physiotherapy and meditation teaching). I believe it was the connection my clients and I made that contributed greatly to the success of my physiotherapy practice and the outcomes my clients achieved.

It goes without saying (but I'll say it anyway) my 40 years' experience relating to people is a huge asset to my coaching and I have a very broad knowledge around the common issues many of us face. 

Whether it’s reconnecting with a passion, changing careers, making lifestyle changes, increasing confidence, increasing function, participating actively in life, I can help you with this and more. And remember, we have our whole lives to perfect things, it’s about getting started!

I help people reconnect with their dreams, passions and self - to live their lives on purpose with purpose!

Coaching as it's sold by some people is a myth ...

Some coaching programs offer immediate results with little to no input required from the client, promising a complete life transformation in a session or two - using their "magic formulas" and "secret tools" with their "one size fits all" approach. 

Lasting change will only happen when the client - YOU - is invested and engaged in the process! 

Coaching is not a substitute for medical/allied health interventions and should not be proclaimed as the cure-all for everything!

Is it possible to make major changes in your life for the better through coaching?

Yes it is ... and here's how:

I partner with you in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires you to maximise your personal and professional potential. You can consider me your personal torch bearer - shining the light so you can better find what you're missing! 

I truly believe in the innate power we all have to change our lives and reach our potential.

In many ways, coaching is very similar to physiotherapy; we identify the goal or result we want to achieve, we assess where we're at right now and what is stopping us moving forward or achieving our result, we align our values so we are motivated to achieve our result and we implement an action plan to take the necessary steps to get there - removing obstacles that are blocking our process. Throughout the whole process, you, the client, becomes empowered as you understand how the changes have become possible for you. You can very well become your best coach!

Janine H.

I feel all of my questions have been answered and and I have a better understanding of my feelings and how to change my mindset to impact me in a positive way. Marion, I think your program is amazing and I am grateful to have you on my train.

Lisa M.

Marion, you delivered this program just perfectly, you are the perfect person to deliver this. I can’t believe what I have achieved in just 8 weeks!

Coaching works and it will really help you!

I'm speaking from personal experience as well as knowing that I have helped people reconnect with themselves and their lives in a meaningful way, living their lives on purpose with purpose! 

My 8-Week "Back To You" Coaching Program ...

A simple, cost effective way to get your life back on track ...

My "Back to You" program will help you:

Clarify the result you want

Together we will get really clear on the goal you want to achieve, we can't do wishy-washy with this - and don't worry, if you're not clear on it, I can help you discover what it is you are seeking! We want to have absolute clarity on what we are working towards. It's not uncommon for clients to decide on a different goal or result than what they initially thought. We will also identify who you want to become! 

Identify and align your values

Most of us have experienced some incongruency in our values in our lives - this creates stress and disharmony for us when we are not living in alignment with our values. The deep dive and exploration into this is enlightening and fun.

Remove the obstacles stopping you moving forward

And yes - you can remove the resistance to change and overcome the obstacles that are stopping you doing this - another fun part of the process! 

Create an action plan and implement it

You will create clear, actionable steps that lead to the result you are seeking. You will be accountable to me for taking those steps but you will be so keen to do it, it's not a chore - it's exciting and fun!

Create real transformation

Transformation is more than just change - think of it as the sort of change that is permanent, one you're not coming back from - like the old stretched elastic in your old underwear - pull that hard and its not bouncing back to its original form! That's the change I want for you!

 Your 8-week "Back to You" program comes with a fillable/printable course manual. Our weekly coaching sessions generally last from 45 minutes to an hour and are most commonly conducted over the phone. The benefit of this is you can take your call wearing whatever you like, sit where you like. It also helps you to feel more comfortable tapping into your deeper feelings and insights when you don't feel you are being watched. You are also more likely to attribute your changes to you, rather than me because you are not looking at me for an hour! I'm just a voice in your head. Of course, if you prefer video/zoom calls are an option too.

Over the course of 8 weeks you will notice irreversible changes in the way you think and act!

My 8-week "Back to You" coaching program focuses on 4 key areas:

  • Results
  • Alignment
  • Planning
  • Implementation and Development

Having worked on these key areas you will have reinforced neural connections in your brain that support your new direction. As the research into neuroplasticity continues to evolve, we know we can always make changes, it's never too late to start!

Module 1 - Results

  • Gain a clear vision of what you want to achieve, providing direction and motivation for your actions.
  • Understand the urgency and significance of your goal, driving your commitment and focus.
  • Establish clear metrics for success, allowing you to track your progress and celebrate your achievements.
  • Identify the support and guidance you need from me, ensuring you receive personalised assistance to overcome challenges.
  • Acknowledge and address your emotions, helping you navigate your journey with greater self-awareness and emotional resilience.

Module 2 - Alignment

  • Gain deeper self-awareness and alignment with your core principles, leading to more authentic and fulfilling decisions.
  • Broaden your understanding and enhance problem-solving skills by considering various viewpoints.
  • Discover how shifting your mindset can unlock new opportunities and accelerate your growth.
  • Understand the ripple effects of your achievements, promoting holistic personal development.
  • Resolve internal conflicts, creating harmony and coherence in your actions and decisions and removing obstacles that prevent you moving forward.

Module 3 - Planning

  • Gain a clear, actionable roadmap to maintain momentum and achieve your objectives.
  • Leverage existing resources to support your journey, enhancing efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Recognise the positive influence of your growth on different aspects of your life, fostering overall improvement.
  • Create a supportive environment that facilitates progress and helps you stay focused on your goals.
  • Establish immediate, practical steps to keep advancing, ensuring continuous forward movement.

Module 4 - Implementation and Development

  • Ensure consistent progress by establishing methods to keep yourself accountable.
  • Set clear deadlines to maintain momentum and achieve your goals within a realistic timeframe.
  • Utilise additional motivators and supports to stay focused and motivated throughout your journey.
  • Anticipate and address potential challenges to prevent setbacks and maintain steady progress.
  • Recognise when and where extra help is needed, ensuring you have all the necessary tools for success.

  • Use clear indicators to confirm the completion of tasks, providing a sense of accomplishment and clarity.

  • Identify new opportunities for growth, fostering continuous self-improvement and personal development.

  • Understand the broader impact of your newfound awareness, enhancing overall well-being and balance.
  • Break down larger goals into manageable steps, making the process less overwhelming and more achievable.
  • Develop effective habits and routines that support your goals, creating a sustainable path to success.
  • Enhance your focus and emotional resilience by practicing mindfulness, leading to greater clarity and peace in your daily life.

Sheryl B.

The coaching sessions with Marion are thought-provoking, fun and motivating. I have already noticed in such a short time for myself a huge shift in the right direction.

Changing just one aspect of your life can lead to transformation in all areas through the
"Back to You" program.

By taking that first step and making a change in one aspect of your life, you set off a chain reaction of positive changes that can transform your entire life ... It's amazing what you can achieve in just 8 weeks!

Anne E.

I am getting there, and enjoying the journey to finding the me, an evolved me.

My 8-week "Back to You" program IS for you if ...

  • You're suffering from burnout
  • You've lost yourself in the midst of caring for others
  • You've forgotten your dreams
  • You've lost your confidence in pursuing what you want in life
  • You feel selfish prioritising yourself
  • You're tired of being tired
  • You're seeking positive change in your life and you need help to get started


  • You want to create the life you deserve
  • You want to create meaningful and lasting change in your life
  • You want to fully engage in life every day
  • You want to (re)discover your dreams
  • You want to live your life with purpose on purpose
  • You want to get back to you!
  • You want to step out of your comfort zone while being supported by your coach
  • You want to break old habits that are not serving you
  • You’re ready to invest time and effort in yourself
  • You want to jump out of bed in the morning and greet the day with smile
  • You’re ready to have some fun learning about yourself...

My 8-week "Back to You" program IS NOT for you if ...

  • You’re completely satisfied with all aspects of your life


  • You’re unwilling to commit time and effort into your personal development
  • You’re not open to self-reflection and vulnerability
  • You’re not willing to be honest with yourself about your current habits and thought processes
  • You’re not willing to drop self-criticism and judgement
  • You’re not open to creating change in your life
  • You’re not open to trying new approaches
  • You want to stay in your comfort zone
  • You expect someone else to do the work for you

"Who is this program for?"

The 8-week "Back to You" program is for anyone looking to make significant positive changes in their life, whether in their career, health, relationships, or personal development through a breakthrough transformation in just 8 weeks!

"How will the coaching be delivered?"

The coaching is delivered weekly through a call. Most prefer to do this by phone as it is a less distracting process where you can focus on you! Video calls are an option if you prefer.

"How long will each session take?"

Each session lasts between 45 - 60 minutes. Sometimes the first session may take a little longer as we get to know each other.

"Can I choose what time of day the sessions will be?"

Absolutely, you are in control of booking your own sessions through the Back to You program access.

"Do I need any prior experience with coaching?"

No prior experience is necessary. This program is designed to accommodate all levels, from beginners to those with previous experience in coaching.

"What happens when the 8 week program finishes?"

Depending on availability (and if we're a good fit together), you may be offered the opportunity to join my ongoing "Momentum and Accountability" coaching program, or you may choose to repeat the 8-week program to set and achieve another goal! 

Some programs will cost you thousands ...

Others are overly complex ...

My "Back to You" program is affordable and WILL deliver results ...

For around the cost of a coffee a day, you will change your mind and change your life!

I know other coaches charge $2,000-$5,000/month (and more) to deliver the results you'll get from me.

I could charge the same!

But ...

the reason I'm offering this at such an affordable price is because I want to help as many people as possible because I know how much this will change your life for the better. I want you to experience the benefits of coaching and get back into really living your life.

And that's why I'm offering access to my 8-Week "Back to You" Coaching Program from just one payment of $297 (AUD).

Click the button to get started!

Get Started!

See the results my clients are getting ...

Kylie W.

More than I can explain Marion, you have given me the tools to do this on my own and for that I thank you!

Sheryl B.

It is very exciting and rewarding!! I highly recommend embracing the "Back to You" program!!!!!

It's completely risk free!

Receive a FULL refund if you wish to stop within 30 days of starting the program. After that you can choose to pull out of the program at anytime and I will refund the unused portion of the investment to you - no questions asked! 

Bonus 1 - Follow-up session with me

($300 value)

A FREE one-month follow-up session with me after completing the "Back to You" program offers several benefits:

1. Reinforcement of Progress: This session helps reinforce the progress you've made during the program, ensuring that the changes and habits you've developed are solidified.

2. Ongoing Support: It provides an opportunity for continued support and guidance as you transition from the structured program to applying what you've learned in your daily life.

3. Addressing Challenges: Any new challenges or obstacles that have arisen since completing the program can be addressed, and we can develop strategies to overcome them.

4. Accountability Check-In: This follow-up serves as an accountability check-in, helping you stay on track with your goals and maintain momentum.

5. Personalised Feedback: You'll receive personalised feedback and advice tailored to your unique journey, helping you refine your approach and make any necessary adjustments.

6. Motivation Boost: The session provides a motivation boost, reminding you of your achievements and reigniting your commitment to your goals.

Bonus 2 - Lifetime Access to the Online Community

($300 yearly value)

Being part of the online "Back to You" community offers so many benefits:

  • Supportive Network: Connect with like-minded individuals who are also on their journey towards personal growth and goal achievement. This supportive environment fosters motivation and accountability.

  • Shared Experiences: Learn from the experiences and insights of others. Sharing successes and challenges helps members gain new perspectives and strategies for overcoming obstacles.

  • Exclusive Resources: Access to exclusive content, such as webinars, workshops, and guided exercises, designed to deepen your understanding and enhance your progress in the program.

  • Continuous Motivation: Regular check-ins, challenges, and inspirational stories keep you motivated and focused on your goals, ensuring you maintain momentum throughout your journey.

  • Safe Space for Growth: The community offers a safe, non-judgmental space to share your thoughts, ask questions, and celebrate your achievements, fostering a sense of belonging and empowerment.

Mandy V.

Marion, you are brilliant at explaining, very calm, funny and brilliant, I think it was a great program, very impressed at how much more I got out of it. 

Here's what you'll be getting with my 8-Week
"Back to You" Online Coaching Program

  • 1 call per week for 8 weeks up to 1 hour worth $300 each ($2,400)
  • LIFETIME access to the online community ($300 per annum)
  • Course manual ($80)
  • FREE one month follow up call with me ($300) 

Total value = $3,080


If all you got out of this course was ...

renewed confidence and feeling in control of your life again, wouldn't it be worth it?

If all you got out of this course was ...

rediscovering your passion and purpose in life, wouldn't it be worth it?

If all you got out of this course was ...

a clear vision of your goals and a concrete plan to achieve them, wouldn't it be worth it?

But today you get access to all this for just $397 (AUD).

Click the button to get started!

Get Started

You're only seconds away ...

When you login after purchasing the program you'll be able to book your Coaching Sessions easily using a simple booking calendar that you'll get access to.

You choose whether you want take the course using Zoom so that we talk face-to-face on your mobile phone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer. 

Most clients prefer to have their sessions over the phone and I tend to agree with this method too - it's less distracting, giving you more opportunity to focus on yourself. The choice is yours.

Don't want the bonuses?

If for some reason you don't want the bonuses, I also offer a basic version of the course.

You'll still get the core value of the program that will transform your life plus 12 months' access to the online community which is amazing value.

But you won't get ...

  • Lifetime access to the online community ($300 p/a)
  • 1 month follow up call ($300)
  • VIP10% discount on all future purchases ($$$)

You can get the basic (Silver) version of my 8-week "Back to You" Coaching Program for just $297!


The choice is yours ...

One-time full payment or weekly payment options available. Choose the package and option that's right for you!



One time payment

  • 8-week "Back to You" online coaching program
  • Client course manual
  • 12 month access to the Online Community (worth $300)

Free 1 month follow up call (worth $300)

VIP discount 10% off future coaching programs, packages and courses




One time payment

  • 8-week "Back to You" online coaching program
  • Client course manual
  • Lifetime access to the Online Community (worth $300/year)
  • Free 1 month follow up call (worth $300)
  • VIP discount 10% off future coaching programs, packages and courses



8 x weekly payments ($340)




8 x weekly payments ($460)


There are two types of people ...

There are generally two types of people: those who take the leap and change their lives - and those who don’t.

1. Those Who Take the Leap:

  • Are Proactive and Committed: These individuals actively seek out opportunities for growth and are committed to taking the necessary steps to achieve their goals.
  • Embrace Change: They are open to change and willing to step out of their comfort zones, understanding that growth often requires discomfort.
  • Take Responsibility: They take full responsibility for their lives and their actions, recognizing that they have the power to shape their own destiny.
  • Seek Support: They seek guidance, mentorship, and community support, knowing that having a support system can significantly enhance their chances of success.
  • Persist Through Challenges: When faced with obstacles, they persist, adapt, and find ways to overcome them, viewing challenges as opportunities for learning and growth.

2. Those Who Don’t:

  • Are Resistant to Change: These individuals may resist change due to fear, uncertainty, or a preference for the familiarity of their current situation, even if it’s not ideal.
  • Lack Commitment: They may have goals or dreams but lack the commitment to take consistent action towards achieving them.
  • Look for External Blame: They might blame external circumstances or other people for their situation, rather than taking responsibility and seeking solutions.
  • Avoid Discomfort: They often avoid discomfort and challenges, which limits their growth and keeps them stuck in their current situation.
  • Miss Opportunities for Support: They may not seek out or fully utilise the support and resources available to them, which can hinder their progress.

Taking the leap to change your life requires courage, commitment, and a proactive mindset. Those who take the leap understand that the journey might be challenging, but the rewards of personal growth and a fulfilled life make it worthwhile.


Imagine a year from today ...


Sarah took the leap!

Sarah's transformation through the "Back to You" program is truly inspiring. Initially, Sarah was a social hermit, confined mostly to her home and struggling with physical pain that limited her activities. She felt disconnected from her friends, family, and even her work, and her overall well-being was suffering.

Sarah's journey began with a simple yet powerful commitment: to increase her activity level. Her first goal was to regain the ability to walk her dogs and venture outside her house. This small step marked the beginning of a significant transformation.

As Sarah started incorporating more activity into her daily routine, she began to notice a reduction in her physical pain. Regular walks not only improved her physical strength but also helped her manage her pain more effectively. She started to feel more vibrant and energetic.

With her new found energy and reduced pain, Sarah's confidence grew. She began to reconnect with her friends and family, strengthening her relationships and reestablishing social ties. The support and encouragement from her loved ones further motivated her to continue her journey.

Sarah's increased activity and improved energy levels also had a positive impact on her work. She became more productive, focused, and engaged in her professional life. Her colleagues noticed the positive changes, and her improved performance opened up new opportunities for growth and advancement at work, she began to seek alternative opportunities to fulfil her.

One of the most profound changes in Sarah's life was her newfound ability to make mindful choices regarding her well-being. She became more aware of the importance of self-care and started to prioritise activities that nurtured her body and mind. This holistic approach to her health and wellness further enhanced her quality of life.

Through the "Back to You" program, Sarah transformed from a social hermit to a vibrant and energetic individual. By committing to small, manageable goals, she was able to make significant changes in her physical health, social connections, and professional life. Her pride in herself and her home grew enormously. Her journey is a testament to the power of dedication and the holistic approach of the "Back to You" program in fostering meaningful and lasting transformations.

Mark didn't take the leap!

Mark's story is a stark contrast to the transformative journey of Sarah. Faced with similar challenges, Mark chose not to participate in the "Back to You" program, and his life took a different path.

Without the guidance and support of the program, Mark remained a social hermit. His reluctance to venture outside and engage in physical activities kept him confined to his home. The lack of movement exacerbated his physical pain, leading to a downward spiral in his overall health.

Mark's inactivity led to increased stiffness and discomfort. Without a structured plan to manage and alleviate his pain, his physical condition continued to deteriorate. The persistent pain made even simple tasks daunting, and his energy levels plummeted.

As Mark's physical and emotional state worsened, his relationships with friends and family suffered. He became increasingly withdrawn and irritable, causing strain and misunderstandings with his loved ones. The support network that could have aided his recovery weakened over time.

In his professional life, Mark's lack of energy and focus began to affect his performance. He struggled to keep up with his responsibilities, leading to missed deadlines and a noticeable decline in the quality of his work. His colleagues and superiors grew concerned, but without addressing the root causes, Mark's work situation continued to deteriorate.

Without the mindful guidance provided by the "Back to You" program, Mark found it challenging to make positive choices regarding his well-being. He neglected self-care, often opting for quick fixes that offered temporary relief but ultimately worsened his condition. His physical and mental health continued to suffer, creating a vicious cycle of decline.

Mark's story highlights the consequences of not taking proactive steps to address personal challenges. By not participating in the "Back to You" program, he missed out on the opportunity to transform his life. His continued isolation, worsening physical condition, strained relationships, professional decline, and neglect of well-being paint a poignant picture of the importance of seeking help and committing to positive change. Mark's journey serves as a reminder of the potential consequences of inaction and the value of programs like "Back to You" in fostering holistic well-being and personal growth.

Taking the leap to change requires courage and commitment, but the potential for personal growth and fulfilment is immense.

  • Are YOU ready to change?
  • Where will YOU be in 12 months time if you take action (or if you don't)?

The choice is yours ...



One time payment

  • 8-week "Back to You" online coaching program
  • Client course manual
  • 12 month access to the Online Community (worth $300)

Free 1 month follow up call (worth $300)

VIP discount 10% off future coaching programs, packages and courses




One time payment

  • 8-week "Back to You" online coaching program
  • Client course manual
  • Lifetime access to the Online Community (worth $300/year)
  • Free 1 month follow up call (worth $300)
  • VIP discount 10% off future coaching programs, packages and courses



8 x weekly payments ($340)




8 x weekly payments ($460)


P.S. Remember, those who DO take the leap know the most incredible transformations happen when you step out of your comfort zone. Take the leap today and discover the limitless possibilities that await you on the other side. ...

P.P.S. You deserve to live your best life, filled with purpose and joy. Be a DOER and take the leap and start your journey towards the fulfilling and empowered life you've always dreamed of. ...