Enjoy my FREE resources

Here are my FREE resources. I hope you find them useful and enjoyable.

Click an item in the Contents below to take you to the appropriate section of the page.


  1. "From Grief to Gratitude: Back to You" by Marion Turner - the associated free meditations.


"From Grief to Gratitude: Back to You"

by Marion Turner


The Associated Meditations

These nine meditations are from my book “From Grief to Gratitude: Back to You!”, listed in the order that they appear in the book. The meditations that will be of use without having read the book are marked as STAND-ALONE, although they will have more context and impact if used in conjunction with the book. The meditations marked as NOT STAND-ALONE will not make a lot of sense without having read the book. The book is available to purchase on Amazon.

Allow yourself to relax in the periods where there is no dialogue, a chime will signal the end of the meditation.


  1. Mindfulness Based Stillness Meditation - "From Grief to Gratitude" book by Marion Turner.
  2. Stillness Meditation - "From Grief to Gratitude" book by Marion Turner.
  3. Centering/Feelings Meditation - "From Grief to Gratitude" book by Marion Turner.
  4. Resistance Meditation - "From Grief to Gratitude" book by Marion Turner.
  5. Invocation Meditation - "From Grief to Gratitude" book by Marion Turner.
  6. Loving Kindness Meditation - "From Grief to Gratitude" book by Marion Turner.
  7. Self Compassion and Purpose Meditation - "From Grief to Gratitude" book by Marion Turner.
  8. Gratitude Meditation - "From Grief to Gratitude" book by Marion Turner.
  9. Transformation Meditation - "From Grief to Gratitude" book by Marion Turner.


  1. Mindfulness Based Stillness Meditation (STAND-ALONE). Copyright © Paul Bedson.

From Grief to Gratitude
Mindfulness Based Stillness Meditation

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  2. Stillness Meditation (STAND-ALONE). Copyright © Dr Ian Gawler.

From Grief to Gratitude
Stillness Meditation

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  3. Centering/Feelings Meditation (STAND-ALONE). Copyright © Paul Bedson.

From Grief to Gratitude
Centering/Feelings Meditation

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    4. Resistance Meditation (NOT STAND-ALONE). Copyright © Marion Turner.

From Grief to Gratitude
Resistance Meditation

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  5. Invocation Meditation (STAND-ALONE). Copyright © Dr. Ian Gawler.

From Grief to Gratitude
Invocation Meditation

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  6. Loving Kindness Meditation (STAND-ALONE). Copyright © Dr. Ian Gawler.

From Grief to Gratitude
Loving Kindness Meditation

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  7. Self Compassion Meditation (STAND-ALONE). Copyright © Marion Turner.

From Grief to Gratitude
Self Compassion Meditation

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  8. Gratitude Meditation (STAND-ALONE). Copyright © Paul Benson.

From Grief to Gratitude
Gratitude Meditation

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  9. Transformation Meditation (STAND-ALONE). Copyright © Marion Turner.

From Grief to Gratitude
Transformation Meditation

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